Purple + Silver , Pink+Peach
{lavender+cool green+lemon +grey+cream}
{pink+champange+custard+light grey+cool green}
Neny Suzana + Nurazman
She’s so bubbly and cute. And both of them make a cute couple. She
told me that she got to know about the hantaran through magazine. Thanks for
recognizing it =) . Both of them gave me this opportunity to explore my
creativity , thank you.
scheme color are champagne, pink and cream - Neny
For Azman , we make it purple , cream with some greens -
There were 16 dulang altogether . Love her Braun Buffel handbag =D.There were pink roses , champagne roses ,
of course carnations , and some greens . For Azman , there were baby breath ,
purple roses and some creams .
I also made a wedding
bouquet made of dusty pink roses , baby breath , and some green tea leaves.
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