Iki's Day Out
Bismillahirahmanirrahim... in the name of Allah , I start 2012 with blessing and hope for a better tomorrow than today , Insyaallah .
Let's start with him. He's my hero , we can be friend or foe . Quite hard to make him smile in front of a stranger , but hey he made it at last . He's Rizq , sayang bonda. =)

We took this picture and it is just something that i wanted to do since last year. Took this pics with professional photographer , Kamarul Addli from 19Mei Design . Such as nice finish product .
Let's start with him. He's my hero , we can be friend or foe . Quite hard to make him smile in front of a stranger , but hey he made it at last . He's Rizq , sayang bonda. =)